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02 August 2008


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Ah, thanks for that! I missed it, but I loooove those old Leonard Cohen songs and I'm going to try to catch that.

I'm not really that keen on poetry, but some does get to me, and Cohen's is perfect. Dark and edgy, but at the same time impossibly romantic. *Sigh*

Thank you, fascinating interview!

It was brilliant and so moving.

This reminds me of him too

especially A Lover Stays In so desperately sad

Just going to listen to the R4 interview in a moment and looking forward to it. I've been a fan of LC since I was 16 (nearly 40 years) when a young lad I fancied at a party played So Long Marianne to me on his guitar... aaah, young love!

Hello Jan - and welcome to another Spanish gardener! I suppose many of us have similar guitar moments. Mine involved someone singing Dylan's Shelter from the Storm. Very romantic, and I was smitten, until I realised he was singing the song for somebody else. Sob, sob.

Such a pity it isn't permanently online. Loved that programme, and had it on a CD, but can no longer find it.

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  • The House of Breath, William Goyen
    We are the carriers of lives and legends - who knows the unseen frescoes on the private walls of the skull?

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