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15 May 2008


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Great post, D. This is an issue we should all be addressing. As you show, it is far more common than we care to admit.

I've always felt enormously guilty that, in my early 20s, I worked with a woman who was clearly a victim of domestic violence. She covered it up and I wasn't sufficiently bold or experienced enough to know how to help her. She came from a community which placed great emphasis on a wife's duty to obey her her husband unquestioningly. Thankfully, she was a strong and ambitious woman, who eventually took matters into her own hands and divorced her husband, despite the 'shame' and 'disgrace' which this brought upon her immediate family. She changed jobs and moved away, to escape further persecution from her husband and his brothers, and I lost touch with her. I often think of her and have never forgiven myself for not challenging the various excuses she would offer for her bruises and black eyes.

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