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09 September 2008


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Cor, I'm salivating. Just got back on line after a 5 day outage and what a sight to greet me.....delish.

You enjoy - fill yer boots.

Yummy ice cream recipe! And thanks for the beach huts, too - excellent colours!

Now I'm craving frozen blackberry yoghurt. The full fat version.

That looks so good and I don't even like ice-cream (I know, I'm peculiar). What colour did it turn out?

The colour was stunning! My Kalk Bay Friend has photos and I'll post one as soon as I receive them. In the meantime, if you go to this post:
http://foodgloriousfood-toto.blogspot.com/2007/09/damsons-in-distress.html (a delightful food blog) and scroll down, there are pictures of blackberry ice cream being prepared - and the end product. It was exactly the same jewel-like colour.

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  • The House of Breath, William Goyen
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