Beach huts Lyme Regis - a Photoshop-free zone
The picture above is for Juliet over at Musings from a Muddy Island, who was rightly critical of a once perfectly good photo (of a row of Essex beach huts), which had suffered the fate of falling into the hands of an over-zealous Photoshop user. Here, instead are some examples of the Lyme Regis variety, a symphony in pastel ice cream shades.
I'm not sure if it was the beach huts or the mega-cone that started us off on the ice cream mission but . . .
When we arrived home, we took 500 grams of these:
whizzed them in one of these for a minute or so to make a purée:
poured the purée into a bowl (if you don't like small blackberry pips, put the purée through a sieve at this point - we didn't bother, we like those crunchy pips) and stirred in 125 grams of this:
and 250 grams of this (it must be the thick, Greek stuff):
and chilled in the fridge for an hour.
And then just churned in one of these for 20-30 minutes:
Frozen blackberry yogurt. Dee-lish. Very dee-lish. Especially when eaten with fresh, ripe figs.
Tonight, I'm going to experiment with the last of the local strawberries and replace some or all of the sugar with agave nectar, which has a lower GI. After that, I'll try making it with Total 0% fat yogurt - and feel oh so virtuous.
Cor, I'm salivating. Just got back on line after a 5 day outage and what a sight to greet me.....delish.
You enjoy - fill yer boots.
Posted by: Pamela | 09 September 2008 at 08:41 PM
Yummy ice cream recipe! And thanks for the beach huts, too - excellent colours!
Posted by: Juliet | 09 September 2008 at 09:08 PM
Now I'm craving frozen blackberry yoghurt. The full fat version.
Posted by: Liz | 11 September 2008 at 12:36 AM
That looks so good and I don't even like ice-cream (I know, I'm peculiar). What colour did it turn out?
Posted by: cybill | 11 September 2008 at 03:18 PM
The colour was stunning! My Kalk Bay Friend has photos and I'll post one as soon as I receive them. In the meantime, if you go to this post: (a delightful food blog) and scroll down, there are pictures of blackberry ice cream being prepared - and the end product. It was exactly the same jewel-like colour.
Posted by: 60 Going On 16 | 11 September 2008 at 04:51 PM