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05 September 2009


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Thanks for the tour. This isn't a part of the country I'm familiar with though a school friend of my daughter went to Eton's sixth form (courtesy of a scholarship) and he regularly sent cards with pictures of the college on the front.

Another lovely nostalgic tour. I remember cycle trips there from North London in my teens.....the homeward ride was not such a breeze.

What a wonderful guided tour. You strengthen my resolve to explore more of our lovely architectural treasures before they all become Indian restaurants and M&S stores. When one of us gets that camper van, eh?

Oh, it looks lovely! And I do love that letter box!

I've visited Windsor, once or twice, and many years ago, but I've never been to Eton. Now I do want to go, and wander round that lovely town, with all those curiosities and ancient buildings!

A charming tour, thank you!

We used to live near Windsor and enjoyed visiting there and taking a succession of visitors. Is the Christmas shop still there that's open all year round?
The same thing is happening to buildings in Oxford, each time we return a shop has squeezed into another of the lovely old buildings. They are forced to do minimal signage, but still corporate identity takes it over.

An enjoyable end-of-the-summer visit to Eton from my sofa. Thank you!

Oh, thank you so much. It was like walking alongside you, with no traffic or crowds. Beautiful place, and the sign is amazing. Thanks again.

Those days of being able to explore ancient monuments for nothing are pretty much long gone, though probably for the best I guess.

And you have solved a puzzle. I drove past the wheel yesterday and was totally perplexed as to its location.

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  • The House of Breath, William Goyen
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