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01 October 2010


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Oh good news, what a relief! Now keep on with the great music.

Wonderful news!

SO happy to hear all is clear! {{Hugs}}

Great News!

Glad to hear such good news. Good luck with the healthy eating regime, I'm sure it will help with your recovery.

Such great news!

That is such wonderful news! Have been thinking of you over the last few weeks and very glad to know that the result is good.

Good for you!

So very glad to hear your good news.

Wonderful! I'm happy for you.

Oh, oh, what a blessed relief. I am so glad for you and your family. November sounds challenging but how wonderful to know that it will be just a reinforcement of good news.

Love this catchy song and its gloriously silly video. I am dancing on your behalf!

This is the most wonderful news! I'm so, so happy for you.

Great news.

Now that really is the very best news. So very pleased for you and the family

So very happy for you....

News was TOP BANANA!!! Will continue sending you good vibes throughout the pesky radiotherapy and another more practical gift in post...XXXX

I also am glad for the news, but I envy the arrangment for transportation. When I had my treatments, it was February and I drove. The first time in a light snow storm. The hospital is a little out of the city and I was a little fearful. But it is all past now.
Keep on the spirit!!!

I am always so happy for anyone who gets good news! I feel like we all share in it somehow.

Very glad to hear the good news.

Good News! Let's hope it stays that way.

Great news! I've been away and not able to use a computer, but I've been thinking about you. Congratulations on a happy result.

Wonderful, inspiring and moving posts, D. So happy for you. I continue to send you positive thoughts.


Thank you so much everyone and apologies that I have not managed to reply to each comment individually. I do, however, hugely appreciate every single good wish.

And, in turn, I'd like to send my very best wishes to each of you, especially those of you who are also living with cancer or its aftermath.

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