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25 December 2010


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Happy Christmas to you and to Dearest Daughter.
M xx

And warmest wishes to you and yours for a lovely holiday.

I have just discovered your blog! Happy Christmas to me!

While I may still be 58, at every opportunity I eagerly, and with a grin, proclaim: I'm nearly 60! (Freedom from the tyrannical sexual gaze brings with it thrilling freedom!)

I am going to pass on your splendid blog to some other 60ish women I know who so that they may celebrate you and themselves.

Peace out,

Hope you're having a wonderful time.

I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas with your Dearest Daughter. I also wish you a very happy, peaceful and healthy New Year. I have really enjoyed reading your blog over the past year.
King regards,

Dogs love snow...cats, no so much. May the new year bring you lots to purr and woof about!

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Thought for life

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