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22 September 2011


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Whoo hooooo!!! Happy birthday dear friend (and also, happy MI anniversary).

Happy Birthday - I really enjoyed your blog . I made lots of connections not least the early motherhood. We old birds still have something to say and we can say it eloquently :)

Happy birthday, D. Celebratory lunch on Monday WITH PUDDING! Forget the exra inches - all the more to hug.

Happy Birthday Dear D - have a lovely day! Why am I so useless at organising a visit!
Much love

Sue and Lawrence

Happy happy birthday. The amazing thing about getting older, is that aside from acquiring and somehow managing to carry all those experiences, adventures, joys, sadnesses, we can still feel as giddy, passionate, lively, mercurial inside as we did at 19. Happy continuing to be curious and passionate.

I am only 59 but, when asked my age and even when not, I say, "I am 60 this year!" It may not happen for another 11 months but I am so ready.

Bring on the feisty old broads and their dogs. This, truly, is the life!

Happy Birthday!

Hope you had a happy birthday! You're right, we still have so many fun things to do and to enjoy!

It's been quite a year, hasn't it? Hope you enjoyed your day.


I come to you a bit late but wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed/understood/smiled at this post. Turning 61 on Sunday I was relieved to read that you feel about the same as 19 with wisdom and 'a couple of extra inches round the middle'--nice post!

A very belated thank you to everyone for your kind wishes - and a warm welcome to Nonizamboni and to Twitter chum, Babs. And a big hug for my fab cousin and sister Springsteen fan, Sue, who could tell you all sorts about those teenage years.

I've been away from blogging, of necessity (sadly), for reasons that will be come clear in a couple of days.

Back soon.

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Thought for life

  • The House of Breath, William Goyen
    We are the carriers of lives and legends - who knows the unseen frescoes on the private walls of the skull?

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