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23 May 2012


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delighted to hear that the labyrinthitis is gone. Hurrah!

Lovely optimistic photo of bride's beautiful back. I often think the back is the most beautiful part of us, male and female - not least because it gets so little attention. But it is as identifiable as a fingerprint. Love your idea of pop-up workshops. And er - have you given any thought to a piece for my blog??? Not if its inconvenient ..wx

Thank you for these and your earlier good wishes, Moira.

Wendy: many apologies for tardiness; sadly, have been feeling so exhausted - with labyrinthitis - I wasn't even able to post on my own blog! Sending email with update . . .

Lovely to hear that you are well and enjoying yourself. Good luck with the writing workshops - such a great idea. I'm sure they will be successful.

Enjoy this sunshine while it lasts - such a gift.


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Thought for life

  • The House of Breath, William Goyen
    We are the carriers of lives and legends - who knows the unseen frescoes on the private walls of the skull?

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