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25 January 2013


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It does look stunning and the dogs look happy enough, don't they. It has felt almost like spring today here but I'm not taking any chances and have cast not a single clout...

I've never understood how dogs keep their feet warm !
Your snow does look beautiful , though ....

Looks like you live in doggie heaven !

Wow, you do have tough weather. Our snow is all gone now, I'm happy to say. Not so easy walking a tripod, and I dare not let him run free because the last time I did that in snow he fell and slid along (screaming) for about 10 feet, he was going so fast. Luckily he didn't hurt himself, apart from some nasty looking bruises, but it's put us both off free running in the snow and ice!

The snow is beautiful in that fifth picture!!

Hello - I found your blog through another and thoroughly enjoyed your photos and words. I am also a dog devotee and closing in on 60 quicker than I'd realized... My how time flies. I'm envious of your snow - we just had our first "real" snow of the season and it was just over an inch (I'm ~ 60 miles SW from Chicago) Thanks for sharing - I had a nice visit. Great job...

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  • The House of Breath, William Goyen
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