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09 June 2013


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I love to know that living with such architectural richness in your backyard does not preclude wonder at the social and cultural and political history such buildings signal. . . And I'm very envious that you are so close to the wonder, geographically, all the time. Currently wandering, and wondering, in Bordeaux . . .

And I never take the wonder for granted, dear Mater. Like many of my friends, the Only Blonde shares my love of history (as well as the love of animals) so is an ideal companion on days like this. However, I have one friend for whom the idea of traipsing round old buildings is hell on earth, so when she visits we are more likely to be found visiting artists' studios, watching the 'new' - which will, in turn, one day be the old - being created.

Thank you for this lovely post. I will spare you the many ways in which it nourishes me but please be assured that it does. Thank you, thank you!

Indeed! How many eyes saw....how many feet stepped....how many hands touched....how many knees knelt.....how many voices bounced off those beautiful stone walls!?!?!?!! I read your post in wonderment...exquisite! I am envious to have so much "life lived" in your backyard!

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Thought for life

  • The House of Breath, William Goyen
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